Hear their stories

Coley G.
Age at time of event: 19
Current Age: 43
Sentence: Life in Prison with Possibility for Parole
Coley's Story
When Coley was 19 years old he was charged with aiding and abetting first degree murder. Coley did not kill anyone and did not want anyone killed. We asked Coley to share about his story and this is what he wrote to us, “At the time that the case happened, I was 19 years old with two children. I was really just trying to find myself. I had attended job corp and learned a trade, but I did not complete my GED testing. There was so much going on in my life at the time , my little cousin was murdered by people that I called my friends and then my little sister was shot and I lost another friend to gun violence. It seemed like people were getting killed all around me and I began to have the thoughts of was I next?

I was raised with the street values for the most part so when my friend murdered Mr. Teasley , snitching was not an option and to snitch carried a price tag that could be your life or someone close to you. So, I felt like I had no choice but to be silent and hope the cops figured out that I didn’t do it. I had no understanding of the law. All I knew was I didn’t plan this to happen and I didn’t pull the trigger. Truthfully I didn’t even see it happened and in my young mind I thought I’d be OK. “
Who is Coley today?
“I’ve been in prison 23 years as of October 6th 2020 . I’ll be entering my 24th year in prison. I don’t know if there are any words that can describe what effect prison has had on me. I fight daily to keep my sanity and the morals my mother and the Word of God has taught me. Almost everything that happens in prison is meant for evil from inmates to guards. But then you have inmates and guards who have hearts of gold. It’s like a light shining in the darkest cave.
This time has caused me to cry from my soul many nights. I think about Mr. Teasley and his family many nights , his mother who I’d give my heart for if she needed it . This system has impacted me, my children, who at the time I came to prison were two years and four years old , now 24 and 26 years old. They weren’t allowed an everyday father. They were given a 15 minute phone call, one visiting day and some cards and gifts when I could. All of their first, 2nd and on I missed. I wasn’t there physically for them.
My father died a couple of months before my trial and I question was it because his oldest was facing life in prison and he couldn’t take the outcome? My mother and sister, who I always showed up for, were left empty and my step pops, who calls me his first son that he always wanted, and now I was gone.
But there is one thing I want to leave everyone with and that is this. I don’t blame anyone. I made some choices, whether out of stupidity or ignorance, I made them. I put my life into the hands of this broken system. But I make every day count for Mr. Teasley, his family and for my family and also for me. I refuse to become what this prison will make you, evil and bitter. When my day comes I’ll be loving and better!“

Coley is also an artist, a wordsmith, a poet! Here are a few of his poems he has given us the honor of sharing.
From A Distance
by Coley G.
I watched you cry from a distance
I wanted to be your protector, but I was forced to be a witness
your eyes so lonely you had to live with other people’s decisions
void from my touch you shouldn’t have to ask for permission
A sideways smile reminds me of all that you were missing
but again I could only watch you from a distance
Half celebration, cakes with no candles a life that seems so full
but a heart that has been mishandled
As dreams unfold, the nightmare still continues
I see you sitting in a crowd but you feel alone because I am not there with you
Tears fall from my face like rivers unending my soul
is depleted as I try to reach out but it’s clear you can’t see me
So I watch from a distance
I see your hopes, your joys your pain and your fears
I see all that you need and I wish I was there
Just know my children I messed up
so I could only watch you from a distance …
Untitled 13
By Coley G.
Prison is a whole different kind of monster
Life moves all around you, but you enjoy none of it, it’s a slow cruel death
Everyday it’s like being suffocated and no matter how hard you try to breathe,
Air is just beyond your reach
Every family picture is missing something as you look at it trying to figure out what it is.
From first days of school, first boyfriends and girlfriends
These moments you never know or ever will know.
Your kind only know the idea of dad but not actually dad.
People die, but long before that you died as you fade into a distant memory.
In their minds your girlfriend is now his girlfriend,
As you sit and wonder does she ever think of me?
Welcome to this cruel monster called prison,
Sometimes I wonder what did I die for, oh I mean come to prison for
Was the money, cars, clothes worth the hurt, shame and pain
Did everyone one night stand, stand for anything
As the song of would’ve , should’ve , could’ve replays daily as the sun fades
So does your humanity, because this prison is trying to make you what it is
Sick, vengeful, hopeless and full of every kind of evil
I’ve witnessed the strongest men crumble
And give in to the monster called prison
So I guess I have to thank God that by his grace I still stand
Yeah somehow I still stand
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