Advocate FMLR

Send a message to your local representatives. Share a story of an affected person. Or join the many families pledged to change the law by signing the petition.

We Need Your help

Your actions can help change the lives of those affected by these laws.

Contact Your Representative

Utilizing the Who Represents Me? tool, determine your Minnesota state representative and send them a message or a phone call showing your support for Felony Murder Law Reform. We’ve provided an example message/script for you to use below.

To My Representative

I’m a constituent in your district and I am reaching out to you today about the Felony Murder Laws in Minnesota.

I don’t know if you are aware of the Felony Murder Doctrine and how these laws are being used to over prosecute and over sentence some of our fellow Minnesotans. There are many many tragic stories, some of which you can find at Reading these cases left me angry and heartbroken.  So many people are serving excessively long sentences for murder  they did not commit because of this unduly harsh law. 

Even if you can turn away from these tragic stories, I would believe you will find motivation for action when you scrutinize the costs to taxpayers to incarcerate all of these people for much longer terms than they deserve. We’re paying nearly a half Billion Dollars under these unjust laws to incarcerate 473 people! (6% of the total population of the MN DOC)

As our elected representative in Minnesota we have entrusted you with a level of power to take legislative action on our behalf.  As my representative, I am asking you to meet with the Felony Murder Law Reform (#FMLR) team, hear their stories and join in the reform these outdated and draconian laws. We are asking you to support SF 1061, SF 1062 & HF 1162.

Respectfully, I thank you for your consideration. I would appreciate hearing from you about this issue in due time.


Sign The Petition

A quick and easy yet powerful way to show your support. Adding your name to our petition will aid in showing representatives that Minnesotanas want these laws changed!

Share A Story

Have a story of an affected person to share? We want to hear it! Access our contact page and send us a message. Your story can be featured right here on the FMLR website.


Your contribution will help fund research around Felony Murder Law Reform and change the laws.